Each year Iowa State University recognizes the excellence of staff accomplishments through presenting awards at the university and college or unit level. With these awards, we celebrate those who have demonstrated their commitment to learning, discovery, and engagement; the cornerstones of Iowa State’s land-grant mission.
Professional and Scientific employees may be nominated for awards within specific units and at various levels of the university. Individual units (ie: colleges, Extension & Outreach, P&S Council, etc) have various award categories. Those unit level awards are managed by the unit. Please refer to your college or unit awards page for more information. Some university level awards allow direct or self nominations while some categories require the college or unit forward their nominations to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost for university-level awards. Review the award critieria to determine which path is possible.
The following is a summary of the awards open to all P&S employees in all units through the Professional & Scientific Council and at the University level. We encourage individuals, programs, departments, and colleges to nominate P&S employees for unit level and university level awards
Professional and Scientific Council CYtation Awards
CYtation Award
Woodin CYtation Award
Outstanding New Professional & Scientific Councilor CYtation Award
CYtation Team Award
University Staff Awards
Carroll Ringgenberg Award
Staff members must have a minimum of ten (10) years of service at Iowa State University. Submit three (3) letters of endorsement; one letter must be from a supervisor of the nominee and one of the 3 letters needs to be considered a nomination letter. Résumé or vita. Award recipient must be an Iowa State University employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony, which is typically held in September.
- Extraordinary dedication to the Iowa State University community
- A spirit of goodwill for Iowa State University
- A history of excellence in the service to others at Iowa State University
Professional and Scientific Excellence Award
ISU employee for at least five (5) years. One letter must be from a supervisor of the nominee and one of the three (3) letters needs to be considered a nomination letter. Résumé or vita. Award recipient must be an Iowa State University employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony, which is typically held in September.
- Professional contributions/service within the university (to the university, department or unit, other departments or units, and the P&S system)
- Professional organizations and positions held
- Evidence of career progress (promotions and educational advancements)
- Professional recognitions/contributions beyond the university (community, state, regional, national, international, committees, publications, and recognitions)
- List of publications, papers, and patents
Professional and Scientific Outstanding New Professional Award
ISU employee for five (5) years or fewer. Submit three letters of endorsement; one letter must be from a supervisor of the nominee and one of the three (3) letters needs to be considered a nomination letter. Résumé or vita. Award recipient must be an Iowa State University employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony, which is typically held in September.
- Has demonstrated innovative, creative or original ways in accomplishing job responsibilities
- Has established a pattern of reliability and responsibility in performing job duties
- Has made an effort toward continual personal and professional development
- Has exhibited service to Iowa State University and/or community
- Fosters a spirit of cooperation and has strong interpersonal relationships with fellow employees
- Exhibits potential for future contributions to Iowa State University and/or community
Regents Award for Staff Excellence
Nominee must have been a P&S employee at Iowa State University for a minimum of five (5) years. Submit three (3) letters of endorsement, including a letter of comment from a supervisor. Résumé or vita. Award recipient must be an Iowa State University employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony, which is typically held in September.
- Describe the nominee as an outstanding university citizen
- Professional contributions/service (to the university, department or unit, other departments or units, students, community and the state)
- Professional recognition/contributions, positions held beyond the university (regional, national, and international)
- List of publications, papers, and patents
- Evidence of career progress (promotion and educational advancements)
- Nominee’s resume or vita
Professional and Scientific Research Award
Professional and scientific staff members who have conducted research at Iowa State as a P&S employee for at least 3 years as of January 1 of the year in which the award is to be given. A three page statement of nomination describing the impact of the candidate's research activities. Supporting statements from supervisors or mentors and experts in the field. Résumé or vita. Award recipient must be an Iowa State University employee at the time of the University Awards Ceremony, which is typically held in September.
- Documented evidence of notable independent research accomplishments as evaluated by supervisors and/or experts in the nominee's field
- Evidence of the impact of the contributions on the nominee's discipline
- Evidence of external recognition independent of that of any mentor or supervisor
- The candidates will be judged by the body of their work while P&S employees at ISU
ISU Award for Achievement in Economic Development in Iowa
Individuals or teams of 9- or 12-month faculty members and/or Professional and Scientific staff who have made an economic development contribution at Iowa State.
- Documented evidence of outstanding contribution to the economic development of the State of Iowa. Evidence of this contribution will include starting companies that have employed Iowa residents or had a significant positive impact on Iowa residents or providing specific documented support to Iowa companies that have resulted in economic gains for that firm.
ISU Award for Achievement in Intellectual Property
Individuals or teams of 9- or 12-month faculty members and/or Professional and Scientific staff who have made important Intellectual Property (IP) contributions at Iowa State, preferably leading to patents and licenses.
- Documented evidence of outstanding contribution to the development of patentable discoveries. The significance of this intellectual property will be demonstrated by its being licensed and used by industries both within and outside of the state of Iowa. The success of this IP and the significance of the licensing should in part be documented by the resources that this IP returns to the university. For some IP, such as open source software that can not be patented or licensed, the nomination should demonstrate substantial national impact.
ISU Award for Impact on Student Success
Professional staff and faculty members are eligible. One individual professional staff award given annually.
Nominees regularly exhibit at least one of these actions/characteristics:
- Collaborate across campus, colleges, and/or units to generate impactful programs and practices to advance student success.
- Improve student success by implementing technologies, techniques, practices, or programs that transform the student experience inside or outside of the classroom.
- Support student co-curricular success beyond the classroom experience
- Utilize a variety of high-impact educational practices to enhance student success
University Award for Inclusive Excellence
Employed by Iowa State University for 3 years or more.
Selection is based on documentation of:
- Efforts that have significantly impacted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Iowa State University.
- Exemplary performance and positive impact aligned with the university’s strategic plan, non-discrimination statement, and DEI goals/statements.
- Depth and breadth of impact on the organization.
- Collaboration with DEI-centered offices, DEI-focused committees, or individuals in the DEI ecosystem at Iowa State.
- Indication of nominee’s continuing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion at Iowa State.
*The Professional and Scientific awards committee and other P&S employees are involved in the evaluation of nominations and the selection of award receipients for these awards.