P&S Council Substitutes

If a P&S Council member is unable to attend a meeting, it is the expectation that they will find a replacement. P&S Council members who need a substitute for a council meeting have two options.  

First, ask a fellow P&S employee you know and/or someone you think would be a good future P&S Council member to be your substitute. This will give them the opportunity to experience P&S Council firsthand.  

A second option is sending an email to the list of volunteer P&S employees willing to serve as a substitute. When sending this email, please use the following steps: 

  • Place your email address in the Recipient, aka 'To', box.
  • Place the pands-sub@iastate.edu email address in the 'Bcc' (blank carbon copy) box. This will ensure replies are sent directly to you only and not to the entire distribution list.  
  • Type a short message requesting a substitute including meeting details. 

No matter what steps you use to find your substitute, once you have confirmation:

  • email P&S Council Secretary-Treasurer with the name of your substitute
  • forward the meeting agenda and materials to your substitute when you receive them from the President-Elect.

Note that the P&S By-Laws do not require that a substitute be from the same representation area. In addition, all substitutes have the same voting rights as elected P&S Council members.

To add a name to the list of P&S employees willing to serve as a substitute, please contact the P&S Governance Committee pands-g@iastate.edu